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Staffordshire County Council encourages communities to have a safe and happy Christmas

Expert outdoor media planners Out of Home International have worked with Staffordshire County Council to devise a two-pronged, multi format media campaign to showcase their important messages of support and advice during December and over the Christmas period.

Dean McCormick, Outdoor Consultant at Out of Home International worked on a proposal for Staffordshire County Council for a mixed media format Outdoor Advertising campaign for two key messages: ‘Abuse must stop’ and ‘Safer Roads – Game Over’. Brand ambassadors gauging public perception of adult abuse for the Adult Safeguarding Partnership will speak to the public to raise awareness of the ‘Abuse must stop’ campaign; and billboards, bus and mobile vehicle advertising to showcase the ‘Safer Roads – Game Over’ campaign in tightly targeted areas of the county.

Dedicated surveyors based in Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire from 14th December 2011 for the ‘Abuse must stop’ campaign. The ambassadors will offer to take a short awareness survey with individuals out and about to determine their Out Of Home International - Staffordshire County - Bus Leafletknowledge of how to safeguard adults in their area, and to sensitively determine if they are aware that even a suspicion of abuse is enough to pick up the phone and report it.

The protection of vulnerable adults is a key priority for the Adult Safeguarding Partnership, which is made up of Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, the Police and the NHS. The leaflet, with the message ‘Recognise it, report it, stop it!’ will be handed out explaining the different types of abuse: Physical, financial, neglect, psychological, discriminatory and sexual. Abuse of vulnerable adults must stop and the aim of the close contact with the brand ambassadors is to encourage the public not to be a victim, or a witness and to report abuse of any kind to the dedicated telephone line.

The ‘Safer Roads – Game Over’ campaign is in its second phase, after a summer burst in August around the busy V Festival period. Staffordshire Safer Roads are making sure Christmas revellers are alert to the dangers of drink driving over the festive period.

Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership contacted Out of Home International with the brief of their hard hitting ‘Game Over’ campaign. Out Of Home International’s transport division Transport Media recommended a multimedia approach ensuring the target audience could not miss the poignant images of scenes after accidents, and arrests of drink drivers. The campaign delivers strong simple messages: ‘NO BELT, NO BRAINS’ and ‘OVER THE LIMIT, UNDER ARREST’.

Out Of Home International - Game Over - Bus Rear

Transport Media devised a campaign schedule using bus and Advan advertisements, and Out of Home International organised large billboards to ensure the message hit home.

The freedom of buses and mobile vehicles means they can transport brand communications on the street direct to Staffordshire County Councils target audience, and can access hard to reach areas such as housing estates that other outdoor formats cannot penetrate.

Staffordshire County Council is very pleased with the look of the Outdoor Campaign, and the team at Out of Home International are looking forward to seeing the results of the multi format campaign. The clean and simple design provided is impactful and perfect for the outdoor environment.

Out Of Home International - Game Over - Bus Rear

Chloe Shrubb, Marketing Officer at Staffordshire County Council said of the campaign “We chose mobile outdoor advertising for the ‘Game Over’ campaign in order to really tailor the messages to our audience. The Safer Roads Partnership are by no means kill joys but by using advans, bus and billboard advertising in ‘hot spot’ areas we were able to remind people that they can have a fun time while also thinking about their responsibilities when driving.”

“I am extremely pleased to have Staffordshire County Council as a client of Out of Home International. The partnership has allowed us to extend our Outdoor Advertising portfolio and feature important government messages from a proactive and caring council” Dean McCormick, Outdoor Consultant at Out of Home International.

Visit www.stopabuse.info and www.staffssaferroads.co.uk for more information on the campaigns.

Visit oohinternational.co.uk for details on more of our Outdoor Advertising solutions.

