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Brighton and Hove CCG Liberate the Emergency Department with Out of Home International

Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group have appointed Out of Home International to manage an outdoor advertising strategy, aiming to decrease unnecessary usage of A&E.

The dual format campaign launches on the 18th November across Brighton, with a 2-week presence on phone boxes and 4 weeks of 6-sheet billboard advertising.

NHS billboard Advertising Campaign

A series of creative executions are used to focus on individual case studies, each presenting a member of the public in a triumphant stance accompanied by the text “helped save 2 lives today”. The strapline “save A&E for saving lives” is followed by a paragraph of copy explaining how each featured ‘hero’ has utilised alternative methods rather than visiting the emergency department.


By adhering to the guidelines set by the campaign, the time freed in A&E through each person’s actions meant that “meanwhile, two people were having their lives saved”. Each advert contains a series of options as a substitute for using A&E, along with the We Could Be Heroes website.


CEO of Out of Home International’s parent company Media Agency Group, Lee Dentith, said: “Brighton and Hove CCG have a message that needs to be broadcast across the entire region, and so the use of outdoor advertising ensures that local audiences are exposed to the activity. Phone box advertising increases the chance of accessing hard-to-reach urban audiences, while 6-sheet billboards provide high-frequency, digestible content.”
