Gatwick Airport is London’s second Largest international Airport and second busiest airport in terms of passenger numbers, after Heathrow. Gatwick is a unique airport by having a significant airline presence representing each of the three main airline business models ranging from; full service, low/no frills and charter. this makes advertising in Gatwick airport a good approach to communicating with a large audience across a broad demographic ranging from ABC 1s to D’s.
Why Advertise at Gatwick Airport
In 2011, over 33.6 million passengers passed through Gatwick with scheduled and Chartered European flights experiencing a large increase in passenger numbers. Gatwick Airport has two terminals labelled North and South respectively. Each Terminal hosts shops and restaurants both landside and air-side with large, modern recreational facilities allowing comfortable dwell time for departing passengers. Gatwick Airport Prides itself on offering Disabled facilities which allows disabled or less abled passengers to navigate the airport with ease.
Gatwick Airport offers exciting and targeted Advertising opportunities in which to promote you brand, product and company and with Out of Home International advertising in Gatwick airport has never been more simple